Survivor Poem: “This brown body.”

Creativity, arts, and expression are important to our healing and self-discovery. DC Survivor Support Fund survivors explore concepts of liberation against oppression through a variety of art.

This poem was written by Kim, and titled “This Brown Body.”

Survivors in DC Survivor Support Fund

This Brown Body

This brown body will be free from poverty

This brown body will be free from being in bondage

This brown body will be one with her ancestors

This brown body is not the white man’s property

This brown body will fight for my brothers, sisters, & siblings

This brown body can get tired, but will continue to fight

This brown body is ready for a new revolution

This brown body is appreciated

This brown body is royalty

Sorry my brown body for taking you for granted, I was brought into a world where I was supposed to hate you

When the sun pinched your skin you started to glow

It was then brown body I realized you were I & I were you

Brown body you represent Beauty & Elegance

Brown body it’s you who wears the CROWN!!!

Brown body I LOVE YOU!!!

— Kim


Survivor Story: “We deserve better.”